Anesoft 'PALS Sim 2016' is the fourth of a series of apps from Anesoft Corporation to improve your resuscitation skills. This app enables you to rehearse pediatric megacode management - anytime, anywhere. With regular practice you will always be ready to run a full cardiac resuscitation for pediatric patients.
You must evaluate the patient and electrocardiogram rhythm, decide on the appropriate management, and guide two assistants through the resuscitation. The two assistants are skilled, but will only do what you tell them to do. You must be the team leader for the resuscitation efforts.
The 8 case scenarios included in this app were written by Kathleen Ventre and Howard Schwid. The first four cases cover ventricular fibrillation. The next two are bradycardia and the final two cases cover supraventricular tachycardia. The first case is free. The remaining 7 cases are available for in-app purchase.
Anesoft 'PALS Sim 2016' adalah keempat dari serangkaian aplikasi dari Anesoft Corporation untuk meningkatkan keterampilan resusitasi Anda. Aplikasi ini memungkinkan Anda untuk berlatih manajemen megacode anak - kapan saja, di mana saja. Dengan latihan teratur Anda akan selalu siap untuk menjalankan resusitasi jantung penuh untuk pasien anak.
Anda harus mengevaluasi pasien dan elektrokardiogram ritme, memutuskan pada manajemen yang tepat, dan membimbing dua asisten melalui resusitasi. Dua asisten terampil, tetapi hanya akan melakukan apa yang Anda katakan mereka lakukan. Anda harus menjadi pemimpin tim untuk upaya resusitasi.
8 skenario termasuk dalam aplikasi ini ditulis oleh Kathleen Ventre dan Howard Schwid. Empat kasus pertama mencakup fibrilasi ventrikel. Dua berikutnya adalah bradikardia dan final dua kasus menutupi takikardia supraventricular. Kasus pertama adalah gratis. Sisanya 7 kasus yang tersedia untuk pembelian di-app.
Anesoft 'PALS Sim 2016' is the fourth of a series of apps from Anesoft Corporation to improve your resuscitation skills. This app enables you to rehearse pediatric megacode management - anytime, anywhere. With regular practice you will always be ready to run a full cardiac resuscitation for pediatric patients.
You must evaluate the patient and electrocardiogram rhythm, decide on the appropriate management, and guide two assistants through the resuscitation. The two assistants are skilled, but will only do what you tell them to do. You must be the team leader for the resuscitation efforts.
The 8 case scenarios included in this app were written by Kathleen Ventre and Howard Schwid. The first four cases cover ventricular fibrillation. The next two are bradycardia and the final two cases cover supraventricular tachycardia. The first case is free. The remaining 7 cases are available for in-app purchase.